We offer two nights of karate class per week!
For nearly two years, we offered one karate class per week through our incredible partnership with the Metamora Park District.
Starting May 1, 2024, we opened up three classes across two nights!
Students are welcome to join one, two, or all three classes on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays.
Details on those classes are listed below.
New Tuesday Karate Schedule
Please note the only changes here are the addition of a private lesson and that the tai chi chuan class is extended by 5 minutes.
- Tuesdays, 5:30-5:50 – Private Lesson
- Tuesdays, 6-6:50 – Karate – Core Curriculum
- Tuesdays, 7-7:50 – Tai Chi Chuan
New Wednesday Schedule
- Wednesdays, 5:30-5:50 – Private Lesson
- Wednesdays, 6-6:50 – Karate – Core Curriculum
- Wednesdays, 7-7:50 – Karate – Specialty
To answer (or at least address) some questions I’ve already received…
“Will it cost more?”
If you continue to take class once per week, no—the cost of taking a once-a-week karate class will stay the same.
If you choose to take 2-3 classes per week, yes.
Each class session is less than $10 per class.
You or your student can try martial arts classes for as little as $35 per month.
“Which night should I come on?”
Tuesday – Beginners
Tuesday’s core karate class is geared toward beginners.
More advanced students are welcome to join to review their basics or learn how to become assistant instructors.
Wednesdays – Advanced
Wednesday karate classes are open to students with at least one stripe on their white belt.
“Can I come both nights?”
Yes – each class is unique.
“Do I need to notify you what night my child will attend?”
Yes, that would be appreciated.
“What if I usually come on Tuesdays but need to make a Wednesday class?”
That’s okay. Just let me know, please!
Students have the flexibility to attend Tuesday or Wednesday if they have a conflict on their regular night.
For example, if a student typically attends Wednesday class, but a school activity is on Wednesdays for a season, that student is welcome to attend Tuesday class.
“What will the theme of the karate specialty class be?”
This class has run the gamut, featuring:
- More in-depth review of students’ core karate knowledge. This class is typically smaller, which means even more personalized instruction.
- Tournament preparation. Students are never forced to compete, and those who don’t will work on something else.
- Kobudo (ancient Okinawan weapons). When the weather is nice, we’ll have class outside and work weapons.
For now, our core curriculum will be empty-hand (no weapons) only.
“Is there a prerequisite to taking the karate specialty class?”
Yes, there are two.
First, students must attend at least one core curriculum class per week to be eligible to attend the specialty class.
Second, students should have at least one stripe on their white belt (i.e., be promoted from kukyu to hachikyu).
Students should have good fundamentals if they are to compete or to use weapons.
View this post for more information on our rank requirements.
Ready To Tegister?
Click here to see the step-by-step process for how to register for classes!
Is there anything else you can think of that I haven’t answered? Please contact me!