You (or your child) have recently achieved a karate promotion.
As part of that promotion, you were provided with a certificate of rank.
Here, you’ll learn what your certificate says in Japanese.
But first, you’ll need to understand how it’s written.
How To Read Japanese Characters
In English, we read horizontally from left to right, top to bottom.
Traditional Japanese characters are written in vertical columns.
You begin reading from the far right, top to bottom.
Once you finish a column, you go back up to the top of the page, reading down the next column.
This form of writing is referred to as tategaki in Japanese.
An Example Certificate
To understand the diagram, match the corresponding number to the element on your certificate.

1. Certificate
The two large symbols on the far-right side are the Japanese kanji for “certificate.”
2. Name
The first bit of English on the right side is your certificate is your name.
3. Rank
Immediately to the left of your name is your rank.
Colored belts count ranks backward from black belt level—the higher your kyu rank is, the further away from black belt you are.
For example, a sankyu (or 3-kyu) is three ranks away to black belt, while a hachikyu (or 8-kyu) is eight ranks away.
When a student reaches black belt level, the numbers go in ascending order—an 8th dan (hachidan) is a higher rank than a sandan (3rd dan).
You can read more about how belts work in karate.
4. Martial Art
Listed next is your “budo,” or martial art.
In our case, our budo is Shinmei Shorinryu karate jutsu – “true life young forest style empty-hand methods handed down.”
5. Association
Metamora Martial Arts is a member in good standing with the International Okinawan Budokai.
6. Group
Our suborganization underneath the IOBK is Kokusai Shinmei Shorinryu Karatejutsu Renmei.
7, 8, and 9. Leaders
The next two lines, respectively, pay tribute to Mike Hancock, soke (the head of our style), and Amy Hancock, soke dai.
Mr. Hancock developed the shinmei style in the 1980s.
The next three lines pay tribute to Mr. Hancock as soke of IOBK, Shinmei jiujitsu (grappling and submission holds), and Shinmei kobudo (weapons).
10. Date & Certification
The last two lines indicate the date the individual achieved their rank.
Some Additional Notes
You’ll likely be more used to the English parts of the certificate located on the left-hand side that include:
- Name
- Martial art
- Rank / title
- Date
- The signature of Matt Molineux, Hanshi, the current head of IOBK and our style of karate
- My signature
If you’ve got any additional questions about what’s on your certificate, please let me know.
Until then… congratulations, once again!